2024 NCAA Men's Gymnastics Live Blog
Who Will Move On To The Finals
April 19, 2024
Photo: Stanford University
This is the live blog for the Qualifications for the 2024 NCAA Men's Gymnastics Championships. Please refresh every few minutes for the most recent updates which will appear at the top of the page. The Live Stream and Live Scoring can be found at the bottom of the page!
Final Results from Combined Sessions of Qualifying
1. Oklahoma - 418.957
2. Michigan - 418.954 (-1.0 ND)
3.Stanford 417.389
4. Nebraska 413.523
5. Illinois 410.461
6. Ohio State 408.725
Results from 2nd Qualifying
Oklahoma - 418.957
Michigan - 418.954 (-1.0 ND)
Ohio State - 408.725
Penn State - 205.423
Air Force - 398.089
Springfield - 382.190
After 5:
OU - 351.026
Michigan - 350.456
Penn State - 338.225
Ohio State - 336.394
Air Force - 220.824
Springfield - 318.325
Crew Bold (Michigan - HB) Cassina and Kolman, lots of big air on both, quast, zou li min, tak 1/2 ( a little late), STUCK full in. overall a really really good routine!
Josh Karnes (PSU - PH) A bit piked in places but makes it through with no majory errors,
Garrett Braunton (AF - VT) Nice Yurchenko double full
Nico Hamilton (OU - PB) kip to handstand, peach, giant to Moy, 1/2, Tippelt, a bit piked on the Healy, Stutz, front uprise, peach to L sit, straddle to handstand, double pike dismount.
Paul Juda (Michigan - HB) Yami to open, lay tkatchev, straddle to piked tkatchev, giant 1/2, tak , stalder, stuck full-in dismount.
After 4:
Michigan - 281.125
OU - 280.662
PSU - 271.260
OSU - 269.830
Air Force - 259.859
Springfield - 256.460
Max Bereznev (OU - VT) Stuck Shewfelt!!!! 15.00
Fred Richard (Michigan - PB) Said He is not here to play. Gorgeous routine capped off with a stuck dismount.
Crew Bold (Michigan - PB) Whippet, peach 1/2, peach, Diam, giant Diam, several hopss/steps on the dismount.
Fuzzy Benas (OU - VT) Bit Stuck Kas 1.5
Stick given to Evgeny Siminiuc on the Parallel Bars Dismount.
Michael Artlip (PSU - FX) full-in to open with a hop back, front lay to front double full (STUCK), triple full to Tong Fei! Sticks the twisting pass, back 2.5 with a small hop to finish.
Javier Alfonso (Michigan - PB) really nice lines in the handstand to Moy, decent air on the Bhavsar, a little low on the Tippelt. Front uprise, Beautiful double pike in the air but chest was very low.
After 3:
Michigan - 209.160
OU - 207.796
Penn State - 204.762
OSU - 201.664
Springfield 196.395
Air Force - 195.194
Michael Jaroh (PSU - HB) Has followed up with another hit on high bar and a stuck double double. 13.9
Josh Karnes (PSU - HB) Zou li min tak 1/2 was BEAUTIFUL, HUGE Kolman, Lay tkatchev. I love his gymnastics it is so good! Good on the Tkatchev series, STUCK full-in layout. He has saved that PSU high bar rotation.
Paul Juda (Michigan - VT) Near stuck Kas 1.5. His execution is SO good!
Kam Nelson (OSU - FX) small hop on the double double, but a beautiful stuck piked double front, just a smal hop on the combo for the 3rd pas and a TONG FEI! we love to see it! nice full-in, STUCK tripple full dismount. What a great routine in front of the home crowd!
Landen Blixt (Michigan - VT) A big hop forward on the Kas 1.5
Patrick Hoopes (Air Force - PH) Cscissor to open, nicely through the flop, a bit piked on the Sohn, cleanly through the Wu, has to push a little into the dismount but overall clean. 15.166 - highest score today! *** Actually an inquiry has boosted it to 15.266
David Wolma (Michigan - VT) Really beautiful Kas 1.5. Small hop on the landing.
Kacper Garnczarek (PSU - HB) Nice stuck dismount
Chris Read (Michigan - VAutl) Kas 1.5 a bit messy in the air but a strong landing.
After 2:
OU - 139 .564
PSU - 138.564
Michigan - 137.029
Springfield - 132.730
OSU - 132.598
Air Force - 127.130
Ignacio Yockers (OU - PH) BIG routine for a 15.100 leads the day so far.
Fuzzy Benas (OU - PH) A hit for Fuzzy!
Tyler Beckman (Springfield - VT) Tsuk 1.5 big cross over
Aidan Cuy (W&M - PH) Big skew on the sivado but nice reach on the Tong Fei, Kehr to reverse Stoeckli and good on the dismount.
After 1:
PSU - 71.799
OU - 69.465
Michigan - 67.798
OSU - 66.598
Springfield - 63.265
Air Force - 62.199
Fred Richard (Michigan - PH) Strong routine. Think his Urzica should get credit a little bent arm in the dimsount but hits.
Luke Esparo (PSU - VT) Nice Kas 1.5 14.433
Paul Juda (Michigan - PH) - falls on the Busnari, looks like he did get credit for it, spindle full, beautiful dismount!
Jack Freeman (OU - FX) opens with a punch double front, gorgeous front double full to layout, low chest and a small hop on the double double, back 1.5 to front tuck full, handstand, back 2.5 to punch front full, triple full with a small hop
Kyle Walchuk (Michigan - PH) Overall good but may have clipped the horse at one point. Strong through the triple russian dismount.
Kevin Chow (Michigan - PH) Another hit routine for Michigan that ends with a triple russian. 13.766
Brigham Frentheway (OU - FX) double lay with a hop back, stuck-ish double double, front double full to front full with a couple shuffles back, pretty toe point on the flairs, nice stuck back 2.5 to front lay, big hop to the side on the triple full dismount.
Zach Granados (Michigan - PH) -Good Magyar to Tong Fei, Stoeckli into Kehr, triple russian dismount. Good hit for the Wolverines to open. 13.8
Here we go!
Oklahoma, Michigan, Ohio State, Penn State, Air Force and Springfield. While Oklahoma and Michigan should both easily qualify to finals, it should be close between Ohio State and Penn State for the final spot.
Live Scores Session 2:
Session 2:
Session 1 Results:
1. Stanford 417.389
2. Nebraska 413.523
3. Illinois 410.461
4. California 407.158
5. Navy 396.290
6. Greenville 389.157
Illinois is really just putting in simliar vault after similar vault. This is one of their strongest events.
Mike Fletcher (Illinois - VT) big step forward on the Kas 1.5
Theodor Roald Gadderud (Cal - FX) - Clean routine!
Connor McCool (Illinois - VT) - Kas 1.5 with a hop
Rotation 6:
After 5:
Stanford - 347.691
Nebraska - 345.759
California - 340.192
Illinois - 338.662
Navy - 332.159
Greenville - 322.825
Sam Phillips (NEB - PB) Big hit routine!
Khoi Young (Stanford - PH) - fall from the World Silver Medalist.
Colt Walker (Stanford - PH) Makes it cleanly through
Rotation 5:
After 4:
Nebraska - 277.927
Stanford - 277.392
California - 274.460
Illinois - 271.463
Navy - 264.993
Greenville - 252.460
Taylor Christopulos (NEB - VT) Wow Great Kas 1.5 14.700
Brandon Dang (Illinois - PH) - big leg break but stays on and was. a great routine! 15.00
Asher Hong (Stanford - FX) Fall on the final pass. Looks like it might have stung his ankle a bit.
Garrett Schooley (Illinois - PH) Big hit!
Taylor Burkhart (Stanford - FX) Randi with a hop to open, front double full to front lay, big hop on the double double, lovely extension on the flairs, nice stuck side double full pass, STUCK triple full. He is so consistent. It's no wonder he is often the lead athlete
Rotation 4:
After 3:
Stanford - 209.394
California - 205.894
Nebraska - 205.696
Illinois - 202.663
Navy - 201.861
Greenville - 190.095
Khalen Curry (Cal - VT) GORGEOUS stuck Kas 1.5 14.766
Isaiah Drake (Navy - PB) - peach basket to Whippet, peach ( a little shy of handstand) good Stutz, and Diam, front uprise, peach to L sit, lovely press to handstand and just a small hop on the double pike.
Landon Benas (Greenville - PH) Big Mikulak to open and a C scissor back, good on the Stoeckli, Roth, Triple russian, and cleanly heads into the dismount. 13.733
Connor McCool (Illinois - FX) STUCK back 2.5 double tuck, just a small hop on his second back, gets the bonus on the back 2.5 to front lay! The tong fei is lovely, Stick on the fourth pass, and the triple full dismount! He is so good here! 14.766
Khoi Young (Stanford - HB) So much amplitude overall! 13.566
Vishal Mandava (Navy - PB) Stuck doubld tuck to finish!
Mike Fletcher (Illinois - FX) The press was great and the fourt and fifth pass was well controlled. Big step on the triple full dismount.
Colt Walker (Stanford - HB) Great routine with a stuck dismount.
Taylor Burkhart (Stanford - HB) BIG yami to open, lay to straddle tkatchev, piked tkatchev, straddle tkatchev to very late Rybalko, he's now off the bar after a release and two coaches are talking to him. Likely he will need to redo that skill to get credit and they were discussing whether or not to do so. He does not redo it. Stalder to quast. Small hop on the dismount.
Rotation 3:
After 2:
Stanford - 143.696
Nebraska - 137.997
Navy - 135.763
California - 134.330
Illinois - 132.931
Greenville - 129.164
Ryan Vanichtheeranont (Illinois - HB) 13.966
Asher Hong (Stanford - PB) Went through very cleanly with a huge stuck dismount! 14.700
Cooper Giles (NEB - PH) good scissor He has a really nice line throughout and is one of the few athletes that doesn't get skew deductions on the Magyar Sivado. Good through the handstand!
Yanni Chronopoulos (NEB - PH) Falls but remounts with the Magyar Sivado sequence and finishes well.
Khoi Young (Stanford - PB) uprise to handstand, Diam 1/4, is owrking well overall, a little low on the Moy, decent Tippelt, HUGE double pike with a big hop. 14.600
Kyle Travis Wong (NEB - PH) scissor to open and then scissor to handstand, Sohn, Tong Fei, Magyar to Sivado is a little bit skewed, great handstand!
Colt Walker (Stanford - PB) Whippet to open is strong but almost goes over on the handstand. Big Bhavsar and the best Tippelt we've seen all day so far. Healy to Stutz and a big hop on the double front.
Mayotte (Illinois - HB) Zou Li Min, lots of giants to wind up for the Kovacs, straddle Tkatchev, stalder, one-arm giant, stuck full in
Taylor Burkhart (Stanford - PB) Whippet to open, good Makuts, Healy, big front toss to long hang, doesn't turn over quickly on the tippelt, but the stutzy is great! Stuck double pike. Wow. Brilliant routine! 14.466
Blaze Kennedy (Army - PB) - kip to L, nice control on the press oto handstand, giant to Suarez, a little low on the Tippelt and the Moy, Big double pike with a big step backwards.
Rotation 2:
After 1:
Stanford - 71.998
Nebraska - 69.965
Illinois - 67.466
California - 66.998
Navy - 65.132
Greenville - 61.665
Sorry - we had some technical difficulties during rotation 1 so we are just now getting caught up!
Stanford, Illinois, Nebraska, California, Navy, and Greenville are looking to move on. Stanford, Illinois, and Nebraska will be the favorites to move on from this session.
Session 1
Schedule and Live Blog
* all times are eastern standard
Friday, April 19
1 p.m. | Championship Qualifier | Session One | Watch on
7 p.m.| Championship Qualifier | Session Two | Watch on
Saturday, April 20
Live Score Session 1:
Live Scores Session 2:
Session 1 Start List:
Article by: Kensley Behel
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